
How To Maintain Office Areas After A Cleaning

At Universal Cleaning, we are a detail-oriented office cleaning company that prides ourselves on our thorough cleaning process to leave your office clean and tidy. We are able to come to your office and clean your building daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your preference. If you aren’t able to have our cleaning company come to your location daily or even weekly, but still want to keep your office looking spic and span in the meantime, we have some helpful tips and tricks to offer you! Continue reading to discover ways you can maintain your office areas after we have completed a cleaning.

For more information about our professional commercial office cleaning services, our process, the products we use, or any other questions you may have, feel free to reach out to us today. We are here to provide you with all of the information you need!

Tips For Keeping Your Office Space Clean and Tidy

While it would be great to have a cleaning company following you around every moment of the day, cleaning up any messes and wiping down any surface you touch right away, that simply isn’t possible. Sure, our cleaning company is extremely tedious when it comes to cleaning an office, but until we return for your next scheduled cleaning, things are bound to get a little out of order. With that being said, we have some helpful tips and tricks to help keep your office in tip-top shape until we return for your next routine cleaning:

  • Get Organized - Regardless of the type of industry your business is in, clutter is bound to pile up at one point or another. From back to back meetings where you only have two minutes to rummage through your desk to find the document you need, to not having the time to organize all of the paperwork and memos that stack up throughout the day, it can all easily get away from you. While it’s tough to constantly be organized at all times, there are ways to keep your desk area tidy even when you’re in a rush or short on time. First things first, take a look at your work area and remove any unnecessary items, such as extra pens, sticky notes, an old coffee mug, whatever it may be. Then, try to find a place to store the necessary items, like putting all of your pens in a container, have a drawer or filing cabinet for your loose paper, and so on. You will instantly feel less cluttered and distracted.

  • Make Daily Habits - Encourage your employees each day to organize their individual spaces, like throwing away any trash, sorting their documents, and so on. Then, have sanitizing wipes handy around workstations so employees can easily grab a wipe and sanitize their area to prevent the spread of germs. You can also make it a habit in common areas to have your staff clean up after themselves like place the white board markers back on the tray, empty the coffee filter and put away their dishes, and other similar tasks to keep your office looking clean and in order. The extra two seconds it takes to accomplish those little tasks makes all the difference!

  • Limit Food Intake At Workstations - As you are well aware, by law, employees are required to take breaks during the work day. To avoid pests making their way into your building and unnecessary messes, consider asking your employees to refrain from eating at their desks. Encourage them to instead use the company break room to prevent crumbs from falling on the floor and attracting little critters, and causing a mess on the employees desk.

Schedule Your Routine Office Cleanings Today!

Rest assured, even if your office gets a bit untidy, our professional cleaning company will arrive with all of the products and cleaning supplies needed to get it back in order. These are just helpful tips we wanted to provide to you that you can utilize between your scheduled cleanings with our company. At the end of the day, prioritizing cleanliness and order in your place of work will only benefit you and your company! For additional information or tips, visit our website today!